Kamera Denise
@thrivingwithk · 1:11

Getting Too Excited

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So I'll be back shortly after getting situated, and I'll be connecting to Patience, because I'm really excited about to finish some things up, finish up some long haul projects. And I'm getting so anxious that I'm panicking I can't even spell the words correctly. I can't see through this thing correctly because I've become so anxious. So we're going to connect to patients, okay? Soon

Preparing To #Connect To #Patience

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:33
Yes. Patience. I feel this. I need this. Thank you for sharing. And I totally relate to that panic, that excitement. That just all the feelings when you're starting something new and you just want to get it out there. I definitely relate to that. And I'm always having to reel back and trust know that things are going to happen when they need to happen. But I'm really excited for you, for all your projects