anonymous thoughts
@THOTs · 0:45

Healing your core beliefs

First realize that no one was born with core beliefs. The issues of love, self worth, security and fulfillment evolve as life unfolds society offers little reliable guidance. So core beliefs are decided at the level of the pride itself, which confronts emotions and the Higher Self, which provides vision, meaning and purpose. Emotions pull us up and down this way and that. The Higher Self always brings us to our center. Therefore, the strategy for healing your core beliefs lies with the Higher Self alone

#healing #emotionalhealing #thehealingself #deepakchopra

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:09
I really like this and I'm really intrigued by it. Is it something you've written or are you reading from something? I would love to hear more
anonymous thoughts
@THOTs · 0:21


Hi. Yes. So I've been reading The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra, and that was something that really stood out towards me. This is an amazing book in so many different ways, talking about the gut and the subconscious mind and the spiritual self as well. So definitely, if this is on your path, I would highly recommend reading it
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