Leslie Thomas
@Thomas803 · 5:07

Lizard Man!

We're thinking about all these kind of things that we can trap this particular lizard. First of all, we got to catch up to it and be able to corner it, right? To kind of capture this particular lizard. Forget about grabbing a bowl, forget about grabbing a glass. Forget about grabbing anything. The quickest and easiest thing that I could find was a sheet of paper. Believe it or not, I was able to trap this thing within a sheet of paper

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt @allowthesun | An event in my life that made me feel as if I was in a movie...

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:36

#critters #creatures #lizard

Leslie, welcome to swell. Way to handle the prompt in such a unique fashion. That sounds like an interesting story. Definitely. I've been there with various creatures and critters in my life and I notice, like, to just be so bothered by something, whether it's a spider or a mouse. I've once watched three dogs entertain. Well, they entertained me as they for 30 minutes tried to track down this little mouse in the house