TheWandering Her
@Thewanderingher · 3:51

Lets call this season, Adjusting

You. I've been on quite a positive streak for the past couple of days. I just caught myself thinking that I'm going to have a great term just because I've had a great past four days. And I mean, the past four days have come with their challenges and they have come with their tests and trials and tribulations relations. But I think I handled them very well. And for once I feel like I am more in control of my emotions and my reactions to certain things

#growing pains #adjusting #iam #connectedtosource

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:34
Hey, I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. First of all, I want to say I really like your voice. It's very pleasing. Secondly, I want to thank you for reminding me that I am where I need to be and that everything that's happening is happening for a reason. Because sometimes we go through those stages to where we start to doubt things. We start to doubt things and we start to question things