Theva Kiruba
@Theva_Kiruba · 0:44

Blessings of Thousands flowers

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Hi. Hello everyone. This is Deva. I hope you all are doing great. Here is my book Blessings of Thousand Plus as well as a tiny lot of my published book. I'm so happy and grateful for my publishing committee who always been there to support me and loves me. And I would like to read some lines from my poem. How Lord, how wondrous are your ways in all things you do amaze with every battle, every hue creation sinks of your virtue
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:28
Hey, congratulations on being published, and thank you for reading out those lines from your poem. I would love to see if there's a copy of this book available somewhere for me to buy, so do share the link. And yes, I look forward to talking to you here on swell around writing poetry and a lot more. Cheers
Theva Kiruba
@Theva_Kiruba · 0:09

@Ramya https://s.swell.life/STjKHwvIfjKpHk2

Hey, Miss Ramya. Thank you so much for listening to my spell. In my description, I have passed the link for my book. You can refer. Thank you