Dustin Gosman
@theunboundtruth · 3:59

" Garlic Empire " Conquest & Health in Ancient Rome

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Its antimicrobial properties made it ineffective tropical ointment, reducing the risk of sepsis and promoting faster healing. This allowed roman soldiers to recover more quickly from injuries sustained in battle, ensuring they remained combat ready. But garlic's benefits extended beyond its medicinal properties. Its pungent aroma served as a natural insect repellent as well, protecting soldiers from disease carrying pests such as mosquitoes and fleas. This was particularly crucial in regions with tropical climates where insect borne illnesses posed a significant threat to military campaigns

How garlic contributed to the success of the Roman Empire #ancientrome #garlic #healthandwellness #history #cuisine

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:28
Wow. This was so fascinating. I, like, didn't know it was so deep that it was such an important factor. But of course, it makes so much sense. I know that garlic has a lot of health benefits, but I never thought about it in this context in relation to the Roman Empire. Super interesting. Thank you so much for sharing. Yeah, I'm excited to hear more from you. This was wonderful
Dustin Gosman
@theunboundtruth · 0:12


Thanks for the. Listen, I'm glad you enjoyed this wellcast. I'm looking forward to many more of these in the future. Hopefully. Anyway, I'll catch you on the next one