Theresa Taylor
@TheresaTaylor · 4:23

Making Decisions That Matter

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You are where you are in business because of the decisions that you have made up until now. And not just the decisions, but the aligned actions that go with that decision. So if you are not where you want to be in business right now, today, it's because you haven't made the decision to be where you want to be. Good morning. Thanks so much for joining. My name is Theresa Taylor and this is Coffee Talk. Right?

You are where you are in business because of the decisions and l actions you have made till now. It’s time to buckle 👇 on your decision making skills.

Theresa Taylor
@TheresaTaylor · 0:38
I obviously can't use the link and bio section here to have you schedule a call, but I am so open and excited to talk about your business and help you get to your next desired level