Theresa Taylor
@TheresaTaylor · 2:25

How do you measure true success? Let’s discuss!

We're helping to do that. I love working and I love getting paid because I know a percentage of my income is going to go to help fund this family's adoption. And so can I make real impact in the world without that income? Absolutely. But for me, something that is near and dear to my heart, one of the best ways that I can do this is by having wealth so that I can help more families to bring babies home
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:54
Oftentimes money makes it easier. And the sooner we can realize that truth and the sooner we can come to terms with it being okay to have money, then I think we will all see that our income increases automatically, that any limitation we experience is set by our own minds. And that can be really hard for some people to believe, especially if they're in a really tough place financially or anything really. This doesn't just apply to finances, relationships, jobs, everything
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:39
It's not measured in anything other than an internal knowing and internal acceptance and feeling of enoughness and satisfaction and being truly, truly, truly authentic to who your truest nature is. That, to me, is how I define success
Kurtis Sherman
@ImJustSayin · 3:51

My take

Now, maybe they do and I don't know it, but then there's other people who have much less wealth and do things that will probably have a lasting impact. So I don't think your core beliefs are going to change because you get wealthy. So either you have that drive and that passion, in your case to do adoption or you don't