Kiara Charise
@TheKiaraCharise · 4:30

Are you a worker or boss? Choose your hard‼️

Understand that everything is done for a reason, and you will reap the benefits of whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish as long as you are working hard and you have integrity and the determination to do what you need to do. Worker or boss. So, yeah, that's what I wanted to say to myself. I hope this helps somebody this morning. That's really all I care about
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:43
Yeah, great question to reflect on. I feel like I'm definitely both and I can be both, and I can play both, and I do great at both, but it's like if I'm going to be doing one, I might as well be making it happen for myself, align with my purpose, kind of like you mentioned