Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 2:25

Spark In My Flame

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Spark in my flame you burn without pain the heat licks my lit wick as the day dims away and night bleeds as shadows stray from your back down your legs and slip off your sides to fall in the cracks skulking off in hunt of Slight eeds. My gift is to find your sewing kit for restless pixies feet and stitch together what's looking to what's lurking within what can't be seen beneath the covers between the sheets where you seethe with need

Poetry by Arya read out loud from the collection "Blending Sparks" #lovepoetry #sparks #pixies

J Stout
@DarkMoonMusings · 0:18
I love your poetry. My problem is I can't ever respond because I don't have the words to adequately describe the way your words make me feel. I can't wait to hear everything that you post
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 1:22


AW. But you did respond, and your response is so nice. Thank you so much. It means a lot that you take the time to comment. And I think it's tough to respond to life in general and find the words. And I think that's why we poet and why we keep writing. It's this constant exercise of looking for the words
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 0:40
You are the rub against my grain and awkward my tongue can escape. Wow. Just wow. And what dark mew said too. But the fact that you leave her speechless and people speechless is a response. So thank you. I will continue to listen
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 0:37


Thank you for your comment. Yes, there are so many types of voices here and some really amazing food for thought in terms of the creative process. And for those of us who are constantly looking for inspiration, thank you so much for commenting, and I'm glad you took something away from this and I hope you continue to inspire. And, yeah, I've been listening to your posts and really like everything that you've been posting. Thank you so much