Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 3:47

Love and Hate - Two Opposing Forces

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So here I'm sharing out this with you. Previously, I had shared two other poems. Trapped in pain, a soul's desolate part and When Love Visits, I close my eyes So this is the third one and apart from Hindi poetry, apart from Hindi shire, this is few of the English poems that I would love to bring for you. Do share your thoughts, your insights, like always. So here we go. Love and hate, like rain and drought, can both be felt

Friday Special

@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:04
So you're kind of talking about love and then we swing right across to hate and how these two emotions have an effect on us as people. And it was also intriguing to have this constant pull and push in your words and also towards the end love overcomes, it ends with a positive note. So there's like a light at the end of the tunnel and then we feel that warmth. So, yeah, very well written and I liked it. Very interesting
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:02
Hi Adarsh. Your Schwell love and hate two opposing forces is really amazing and I would agree with each and every line that you said. So these both feelings are a part of our life and one gives us joy whereas the other gives us pain but still we need to accept the both and as you said, love is the one which actually keeps people together, which brings happiness. When you know where your happiness is, then why are we going opposing to it?
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 0:56
Hello Adasar. Good morning. I am Kadambari Gupta. And I just heard you as well. Your poem was amazing. And love and hate, I mean there are two very, very strong emotions. And you know, if love is love can also become an obsession. And too much of love is also not good. And hate is really not acceptable. We say no, that we shouldn't hate anyone. We should move them from our lives, but we shouldn't hate them