Theo Seibold
@Thatoneweirdo · 4:51

"Event Horizon" at 25: Still looks good for its age.

As it's turned 25, I still have Theo same reaction, where I'm like, wow, that's still pretty jarring as well as enjoyable. And I'm a huge horror movie fan. And this is one of those movies that love the cast. It came out at the tail end of summer, and it basically was made in like, ten months from when script was complete or green light to release

#EventHorizon #Horror #Scifi #Cultclassic

Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:15
And that's kind of how I feel about Event Horizon, really Lovecrafty and horror and storytelling has been around for well over a century, but for some reason it's only now becoming super duper popular. That's not to say there haven't been lovecraftian stories told over the years. Certainly in shows like Theo, Twilight Zone and films like The Mist, there's plenty of things that exist. But I think people are really starting to wake up to how cool lovecraftian stories can be
Theo Seibold
@Thatoneweirdo · 4:15


And I think this was one of those movies where and I'm not sure if it was really miss marketed, but I think this was really one of those how to sell it and how to kind of prepare people for what was going to happen or more or less what they'd be in store for. And you really couldn't because when you really stopped break this movie down in many ways for a horror genre. We had seen things similar in the ways of Alien. Maybe Predator
Syrup Dishes
@SyrupDishes · 1:25


And we watched this video in their dorm room. And being 18 years old, I had not experienced a whole lot of horror films, Sci-Fi type movies and the likes of Predator and those things I wasn't even really into and watched that much. So this was like the first real horror movie that took the depths of h*** into the movie. And I remember being 18, that kind of freaked me out a little bit