Terrill Jensen
@TerryJensen · 0:33

#MyProfile | Terrill Jensen

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Hi, I'm Terry. I love everything in this life. I take the time to be quiet, be still, and to know the inner beauty of my thoughts in this world. I am a deep thinker, but I'm also one of the craziest people you'll ever meet. I love love life. Come along with me as we discuss some of the things that you probably think about on the top of your mind, but you just don't really think about them. Come along


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:26

#welcome #community #invitation

Hey, Terry, I love the invitation. I love that outlook that you have on the things of life. Obviously, the deeper meaning and deeper contemplative things of life. I think those are always fun to play around with and entertain and experience and explore. So I'm definitely looking forward to some of the conversations I know that are going to unfold. And I'm wishing you a beautiful and blessed day and welcome to Swap