T Michelle
@Teatime · 4:40

Knowing What Battles Are Worth Fighting

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And it's interesting because a part of me was like, well, you should take him to court, and you should do this, and you should do that. And I was hesitant, and I'm glad I was, because then I said, you know what, God, just can you guide me in this situation? Can you help me through this?

#Battles #Fighting #Impact

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:24
I really love that series of questions that you ask yourself. I think that's so that's very smart and very important. Often I feel like I let myself get swept away by the concept of justice and trying to make things right, but oftentimes that comes at a cost. And I think those questions that you posed are very good for determining whether it is worth it or not to fight for it. Especially the one about what ripples it can create and who else it could affect
T Michelle
@Teatime · 1:14


And sometimes I just have to look outside of myself and see how it's going to impact others and just how that ripple effect comes into play with that as well. So, again, thank you so much for your response, and I hope I've been able to shed some knowledge and possibly offer some sort of solutions if you're ever up against something where you need to figure out whether it's worth fighting. Have a good night. Bye
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:01
And it was like, at the end of the day, the battle was not worth it. And I walked through that door because I'm like, I'm done, and let the ship fall where they may. So, yeah, sometimes that door is open and you have to walk through it and not look back. And so that's my spill on it. And yeah, certain things that are worth fighting for, it's not a war that does not or a battle that does not end