Taylor J
@TaylorĀ Ā·Ā 1:06

BMW annouces suscription service for heated seats.

article image placeholderWhy BMW is offering heated seats on a monthly subscription
Everywhere I look, actually, people are talking about it. So I thought, why not bring it here? Let's see what the Swell community has to say. I have my thoughts about this. I think it's a scam. Obviously, they're trying to make more money. From a business perspective, I kind of understand it, but it doesn't seem like the way to necessarily endear yourself to your customer. What do you all think?


phil spade
@PhilĀ Ā·Ā 1:13
And that is something that I think remains to be seen, because it costs the same across the board to build that car. And unless they're taking off the cost of implementing that heated seat, I just don't know where the savings come then
Professor Z
@Professor42Ā Ā·Ā 4:28
Smartphones used to be that you could literally open up a smartphone. I'm talking smartphone, not a dumb phone, an actual smartphone. You can open these up with maybe removing four screws, whatever. The issue was easy to swap it out, put the case back on, screw back in, bam. Fixed, done
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoĀ Ā·Ā 4:48

Butts are heated over this topic. šŸ‘ šŸ”„

I believe it was on Facebook that the higher end models are expensive but you can get a basic model for like 20 grand or something like that. I don't know. I'm not really familiar with cars like that. I'm totally indifferent to it, to be honest with you. I think the people that absolutely want that feature are going to get it and they're going to boast about it. They're going to be like, oh you're are too cheap. This is nothing for me

Wow... I'd love to know the thinking & presumptions behind the decision.

I'm thumbs down now on BMW, sorry, what is it they really want? If they want their products to be accessible, then make them accessible. But this whole idea, that's a funny thing, too. It's like way back when I was with somebody and we bought a car from an official dealer, Volkswagen, if you wanted to add something on, then you added it on, right?
Swell Team
@SwellĀ Ā·Ā 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Arish Ali
@arishĀ Ā·Ā 3:42

Bad messaging more than nefarious conduct

So really, the way I look at this model is it's cheaper oftentimes to produce, mass produce something and keep something in every car that you're making, then try to make some cars with an option, and some cars are an option. Just from a production line perspective, just from a scale perspective, it might be just cheaper to have it in every car. To answer your question, Phil, they are putting this feature in every car out there
grace pouri
@gracepouriĀ Ā·Ā 0:44
I can see it from a business perspective because I feel like I only use my heat heaters in winter time. Maybe they want to boost them. I some money in the wintertime. I could see that being kind of an opportunity. But how much would they charge monthly for that? And if they did it, would it be just for the front seats or the back seats, too? I definitely want to go and read up on that
Sebastian Cahill
@sebc23Ā Ā·Ā 1:55
Hi, Taylor. I'm a little bit late to this, but I just saw this and it was the first I had ever heard about it and I was very, very surprised. I have to agree with you immediately, just off the top of my head, like, I think that this is a complete scam. I also agree with a lot of people, people in the comments. I'm not really understanding how this really makes any sense for them