Tanya Mehra
@TanyaMehra · 2:26

Body image issues in People

Also we see nowadays that many people go for various types of cosmetic surgery like they are going for leg lengthening surgery in order to increase their height. As our media is propagating that height is equal to attractiveness. This media propagation is supplemented by our brand houses. They keep clothes for people of a particular size range. All this make people who do not fit in these size ranges feel left out. They become vulnerable to eating disorders. These disorders are of various types like bulimia, anorexia and binge eating
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 4:43
You. Hello, Tanya Ma'am. This is Prabha here. Wonderfully exceptional or exceptionally wonderful beautiful topic that you have chosen upon body image issues in people. Yes. Everyone born in this world is unique with their own beauty. It is only that the mind thought process that they have inside them makes them compare against each other and feel themselves low. They have each have to look themselves in the mirror and understand how beautifully they are made by the Almighty. Everyone has beautiful looks. The body structure