Tanusri Joshi
@Tanusrih__ · 5:00

Norwegian wood by Haruki Murakami

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Watanabe like Toru, who's the protagonist, nauko like his friend or his best friend's girlfriend. Now, yeah, let me mention this. That his best friend in this book, he is no more there. He has passed away already. And so, you know, so his girlfriend, who's now co, is alone right now. And so, in a way, like his best friend. Also, his personal death also plays a very central role in this whole story

Review of the book Norwegian wood. #collegevoiceindia #murakami #books https://s.swell.life/STTe6pTxmiDHH52

Tanusri Joshi
@Tanusrih__ · 2:57
And yes, if you guys get a chance to read this novel, guys, please read this novel. Yes, it has some themes that can be triggering for you guys, but there's this disclaimer, of course, there are themes of suicide, there are themes of depression, sadness and all that. But if you guys are okay with that, please do read this book, because I think the art would be a most experience reading this book, and you guys won't regret it, definitely


I have read a novel with a beautiful story and this, your swell really now is making me want to read this book. First of all, I really like such stories which are even though they are sad or they're showing so much tragedy in them that they are in a way, through those tragedies, they are motivating us and giving us a very good message. So, yeah, really, I will love to read this book
Tanusri Joshi
@Tanusrih__ · 2:26
First of all, I'm really thankful that you liked My Swell and also like the fact that you listened to it with such great patience. And, yeah, good to know that you got inspired to read this book after listening to My Swell. And yes, please do read it because it's, like, one of the for me, at least, it's one of the best books that I've ever read