Tamie K
@Tamiek · 3:27

Mama, Baby Jesus and the Angel Gabriel

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My mom took me to an ear, nose and throat specialist and it was decided that I needed to have surgery. My adenoids would be removed and small ventilation tubes put in my eardrums. I was very scared. My parents had our pastor, brother Bob, pray over me before I went to the hospital. I was scared not only about having surgery, but being away from the safety of my parents. Back in 1979, this kind of surgery meant an overnight stay in the hospital

#childhood #faith #surgery #illness #supernaturalexperience #visions #Jesus

Tamie K
@Tamiek · 1:21
I woke up sometime later in the recovery room with my mom at my side, and as soon as I could talk I told her that the angel Gabriel had brought the baby Jesus to me and told me that Jesus was going to watch over me for my whole life. I was amazed that my mom accepted what I was telling her as fact and not a figment of a small child's imagination. My experience had been so surreal, like it really happened, even though I'd been fast asleep during surgery
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:56


Wilt back and being like, yeah, there's a good shot of any that I won't be leaving with my child here. And then we had issues with births and c sections and all that, and it's a journey that every parent takes. But having children made me a more compassionate human being, and it introduced empathy into my heart. Compassionate in my heart. It introduced truly the concept of unconditional love that I was unfamiliar with
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 2:33


So hearing you sing this little light of mine Sunday morning was an awesome reminder about God's faithfulness and that got me and my family through another storm
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:55


It's going to be like a blockbuster, and I'm going to get to sit here and talk about movies all day. I hope that's the assignment that I get from the Lord because I will be happy for all of eternity. So, yeah, thanks, Tammy. I hope you find awesome dvds when you go thrifting. I personally like to look for trauma movies myself. I'm a big Kaufman fan. He kind of got me into filmmaking when I was a kid
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:42


So, Tammy, I didn't realize this, but me reading that, it was automatically posted to my twitter and has been shared reposted 75 times. So, yeah, your work and your wonderful words that you wrote about our Lord King Jesus Christ has been shared 75 times. Yeah, Tammy, good work. Thanks, Tammy, I love you. And obviously God loves you as well, you beautiful soul, you. Happy birthday, Tammy
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