Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:20

Do you know who you are? | Episode 5 Feeling emotions

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And that was obviously his opinion based on what he went through. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but when contrasting my own experiences as a female, I would say well, that's not really spot on because I grew up myself with a lot of suppressed emotions. Not feeling them, just suppressing them, that's a word. And when you suppress a lot of emotions and you're not able to have a healthy outlet, it's doing yourself more harm than good

#emotions #mentalhealth #innerwork

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:48
And I think that has helped them and help me through this life and be able to navigate and go further because I'm learning and growing and evolving and becoming this person that not emotion less, but emotional full. And thank you so much for the input. I appreciate it
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 1:27
Hello and happy Tuesday. I just want to thank you for inviting me to hear your topic and chime in on it. Been going through something for like a week or so, and it had my emotions just all over the place, and I've been trying to deny it, and I don't know how to embrace what it is that's going on with me. You right
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Myron dawsey
@CircleCityTrap · 5:00
Traditions are meant to be changed, right? So that's where I stand on that. And I think we got to teach these young men and young women. It's okay for everybody to be emotional, to be able to converse. Communication is the key, and we got to have that. I got to be able to be like, you know what? What you're doing to me? I feel like it's not right
Myron dawsey
@CircleCityTrap · 4:29
Like, I might go throughout the day and something might happen, and instead of me digging deep into my emotions or thoughts, I try to understand the situation, right? So I look at it like, what caused this? Let me see why they feel this way, right? But also when I do that, it gives me time to look over everything and I come back with the right response and I come back with the right emotions. Because sometimes we can act off like impulse, right?