Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 3:34

We all have something to be thankful for

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Those of you that have peace in your home, peace on your job. You don't have to struggle and stress with people that are coming into your space and occupying and just getting on your nerves. Be thankful for that. Be thankful if you have legs that you can actually move from place to place without being in a wheelchair. You have hands that you can clap or arms you can reach up into the air and just give praise. Just be thankful for those things

#thanks, #thankful, #thankfulthursday, #being alive, #livingyourbestlife

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:03


Hi, Tim. Thank you for this thankful Thursday reminder. As you were talking, I couldn't help but have this song playing in my head. Just be thankful for what you got. That's what made me think about it. I love what you said about pain is a reminder that you're still alive. I believe that's what you said and I immediately, immediately thought about heartbreak or heartache as much as that junk hurts. Okay
article image placeholderCurtis Mayfield - Diamond in the Back
Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 1:31


Just because you give yourself or your heart to someone doesn't mean that that's going to be an everlasting relationship, doesn't even mean it's going to be a short term relationship. It just means that you have the ability and capability to like and to love someone. So that is a form of realizing that you're still alive. You're not heartless, you're not cold, you're not unfilling and unmoved by things