Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 4:09

Law #5: A scout is courteous

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Well, if we look at some of the synonyms of what it means to be civil, it's respectable to be someone that recognizes time and place and handle themselves accordingly. To be gentile or genteel, I think that goes in line with being a gentleman. It means watching out for your surrounding, being concerned and considerate of those around you. Being gracious to me, gracious would mean to be thankful, appreciative, kind and accepting of others. Mannerly to me would be etiquettes, proper etiquettes

#civil, #genteel, #gracious, #mannerly, #polite, well-bred

Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 4:36

Law #6 A scout is Kind

It could also be goods or commodities that distinguish from money, fundamental nature or quality. That can be the kind, like we're part of this kind of group. But the way that I believe that it is used in the scout law is as an adjective, which means of a sympathetic or helpful nature, of a forbearing nature or gentle, or rising from the characteristic by sympathy or forbearance of a kind to great pleasure or relief
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