@tacowaffle · 4:12

Gaslighting in the workplace

And it's really sad. I feel like gaslighting shouldn't happen, period. It's just so detrimental to a person's mental health and their wellness overall as a person, because it's a detriment. But unfortunately, it does happen. And I wanted to ask you, all of you out there on swell, what kind of things have been said to you at your job that made you felt like you were being gas lit or you were being dismissed and you weren't heard?

#gaslighting #workplaceissues

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 1:20
And I mean, I probably gaslight too, where I think, honestly, each human has their own weird mental things going on where perspectives of a situation can just be so vastly different that maybe gas lighting isn't necessarily purposeful and it's something that's literally just happening because we have such different views. But I'm sure that's very different in your workplace than what you're referring to. But just speaking from my own personal experience, I'm like, yeah, it happens, my relationship