Suma George
@sumageorge · 1:51


Hello. This is another poem which I wrote again a few months back, and it talks about freedom. I keep writing because it fills me with a lot of pleasure and I come out of the moods that I'm in when I'm in terrible, terrible pain. But freedom is something which all of us would love to enjoy. And here and there we curtailed in it in our everyday lives by our own families and colleagues in the workplace

#poem #poetry #writing #freedom

Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 0:26
A nice poetry. And I think that we all value our freedompoem a little more after COVID Lockdowns, because never in our life we expected that we would be locked out like this. Yes, COVID taught us the importance of freedom and the need to have that space and also to breathe a little. Once again, thank you for the nice poem. Keep writing
Suma George
@sumageorge · 0:08


Thank you for the inspiration and the motivation to write. I will keep writing for sure. God bless