Suma George
@sumageorge · 1:11

Born to Die

You. Hello, everyone. I've got some time to contemplate and think. So I have been thinking about this for some time now, for the past few days. And it is the question that's been lingering in my mind for a while if we are to die, why are we born? I I've been asking myself that question and I've been looking at all the human beings coming my way, all the living beings coming my way

#birth #death #borntodie

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 1:40
It's not just about taking birth on a planet and going back to the heaven one day. No. When we are here, we are here to make a difference into the lives. We have to bring a difference to the lives of many around us. That should be the purpose of our life. So this is what I could understand, that we are born with a said purpose. And once you know what your purpose is, we'll be less scared of dying one day or all the best
Suma George
@sumageorge · 0:04


Thank you so much for that reply. God bless