sukirti chand
@sukirti666 · 3:25

The banning of public smoking

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Only a smoke free legislation that pens smoking on public spaces without examples with fully protect non smokers, reduce health inequality, space money and improve public health. The meaning of public smoking prohibitions of tobacco products, display of warning on product packaging, chand cleaning products, price and taxes have reduced the affordability and availability of tobacco products to the general purpose. There is still a lot more that needs to be done

Smoking is a well-documented risk factor for hypertension, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes and is a leading cause of chroni

Deepak Bhalla
@jiyo_mere_yaar · 0:55
Correct. But I am not able to understand why this government or any government take such a step to ban these kind of products which are not good for the health of the munching. In fact, few person take this kind of things but it affects other people also. So I think this kind of product should be banned completely. Government should take a STEPBYSTEP against them. They should forget about the revenue generation from these kind of products at the cost of health of humanity or human being
Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 2:48
So I think that's one thing and not just Indian cinema, but Western cinema also has portrayed the smoking as such a cool thing that such young generation of India still think that smoking makes them cool or maybe going to, I don't know, increase their chances to look pretty strong personality or something like that. So yes, so there is a lot of role to be played on the portrayal of cigarettes in the society. But banning all together? I don't think so