sukirti chand
@sukirti666 · 1:56

What Young India Wants book review

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But yes I do get fascinated by reading or going into it but it's good to get an overview of gambling situation prevailing period decades ago but some situation like encouraging entrepreneurs or et cetera has changed India to some content like I'm not saying that it's just a way nowadays but it deserves ramp ramp with new problems and solutions. For example UPSC aspirate but the planning and management people must take some suggestions. They are good. So here are my views. I hope you like it

Hii everyone I'm here to give review on Chetan Bhagat novel which tittle as what Young India Some of the solutions suggested are good and some points/

Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:10
But to a serious reader you will understand that it lacks the depth, it lacks the kind of research required to write such topics and most importantly stories which a lot of importance is given to romance. But somewhere the depth of love is lacking. In fact, the movies of both these books, like whether it is Two States or Trades, looks better than the books for me because the screenplay has been corrected to attract more audience, whereas the book is shallow for me. So that is there