Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwani · 5:00

धंधे की बात एपिसोड importance of sales

You hidosto dandeki bhat per dusra episode or pal episode of Introduction kit or peraghasana but ideally mana ye shirukiyataki dandeki bhatikasaki and straight to the point kyonki jesse manki bhattiki bathyana shirukari episode per I think important to sales komalikarayam kiki last sweljamani kiata twitter so I think ye igam point blank and to the point I think sales may or bina sales peramae starting say garapka focus uproad centered sales perfnaga bothers shirukata passionate purpose klee or business MEGHIS fulfillment with ahem a founder Ka Matlabnai joy invested in the main Kirkyatang or JETna long different so just the rasp kiwi Lori motivated Nikola, they all say and focus and manufacture