S. Sree
@studiosree · 1:14

Day 4 - 30 Days of Parkinson’s

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Down by the Atangare, where they would bathe in the cool mornings and balmy after noons, saudis clinging to sun moist skin, the red soil pulsing with minerals like the vibration of translucent attendant antenna wings. They replenished, resurrected cell by cell. After chasing 1012 children, brown feet dusted in the dirt, the sun rays and waters of the riverbank would soak Earth into them, planets inside their bodily universe, bringing life glow and rest

#parkinsonsawarenessmonth #Nationalpoetrymonth #poetry

Melody Jones
@MelodyJones · 1:16
And in the piece that you recited because you couldn't sleep that you wrote last year, I loved the word life glow. I thought that really captured something. Life glow is a beautiful phrase. I really liked that phrase or word. I'm not sure which. And then rest after rest. Resting after resting certainly does highlight Parkinson's and what it can do to your energy level
S. Sree
@studiosree · 1:27


Oftentimes I find, and my fellow community members of Parkinson's find, that the suffering for the caregiver is more in certain instances than the suffering or the difficulty for the person with Parkinson's because we live with it in and out, day to day and we know the toll it takes on our body. So it's not that we get comfortable with it, but it's just with us constantly