Well, the faith that I have right now is in the doctors, in God, asking Him to move into these people's lives, asking Him to guide the surgeon's hands and to let everybody be prepared mentally and emotionally to assist me and to save my eye. I pray and I ask, just like the bleeding woman. I know that he could heal me. If I'm just able to touch the hem of his garment, virtue will leave Him and heal my eye
alonzo coleman
@windwalker · 0:37
Hey, brother. Make sure we say some prayers in your name so that you come through the surgery successfully. And as far as faith, that's just why we pray. Because we must believe there's someone greater than ourselves. So I have faith that God will touch you and that you'll be all right. All right. Love you, brother. Bye bye
Robert Hernandez
@Str8Talk · 0:22


Amen. I really appreciate the prayers know that the surgery went well. Even better than expected. You know how God works now it's just about the healing process. I got to sit here and just let God heal my eye and I'll be able to see again. And everything worked out just fine
alonzo coleman
@windwalker · 0:28


Yeah. Brother, I worked in hospital for 30 years. I used to tell my patients, you have two kind of positions. Your first one is your MD. When they get finished, just let go. D take care of you. So sure go. D is taking care of your brother. Have a good night. Bye