Wehi 808
@storiesofhawaii · 0:48

First interview with Alia coming up!

Hello and hello, everyone. My name is Kavehi. I'm part of the Stories of Hawaii podcast. And in the near future, I'm going to interview my sister Aliyah, and she's going to share about her Mary Monarch experience. And Mary Monarch is basically a hula competition. It's really huge in Hawai'i. And it happens in Hilo Hawai'i at the Edith Kanaka Ole Stadium. So that is really cool

#merriemonarch #hula

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:17
Oh, my gosh. I'm so excited to listen. I just followed you to make sure that I don't I don't miss out on it when you post it. But, yeah, I'm excited to hear and to learn more about hula and the competition. I'm excited. Thank you. Thank you for doing this