Dom Gatto
@stone · 1:30


Hi, everyone here's wave. Introduction. My name is Dominic Gaddow, and I've worn many hats over my lifetime. I've been an actor, a writer, a teacher, yes, and even a New York City police officer. I've been writing for most of my life, and my poems have been reviewed as rich and emotionally complex. I'm proud to be on the transgender spectrum, and I reside right now in Florida

Saying Hi. More to come later

Anisah Khan
@Anisah_Writes · 1:15
I really like your poem, how short it was, but it was quite impactful, especially the last line, like that line. It hit hard in a good way. It was, like, very resonant. And as a fellow poet, that's hard for me to do because I'm an overwriter. I will write and write and write until I have so many pages that it's, like, hard for me to cut
Dom Gatto
@stone · 0:26


Thanks so much for your kind words about my poem. I hope you'll read my other poems as I put them on my podcast. I appreciate your comments very, very much. Don't know how to really get more followers on here. Maybe you can fill me in on that. How do you get people to listen to you? Okay, thank you
Anisah Khan
@Anisah_Writes · 2:12


If you're talking about if your poem talks about society and culture, then put in the society station. Or if it's poetry, put in the poetry station. Right. And I'd say, like I said before, listening to other people's works and replying to them and creating swell family and friends. Because when I first started out, I was just posting my palms out there and then I started listening to other people and I started replying and they started applying back