
#TellYourStory - Astrocartography Lines & My Day In Paris ๐Ÿ—ผ1/21/2024

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article image placeholderUploaded by @StarZenith33
article image placeholderUploaded by @StarZenith33
article image placeholderUploaded by @StarZenith33
I went back to listen to the podcast, and I realized that the microphone cut off on me. I was talking, but you can't hear nothing of what I'm talking about. So it was very important that I share this story because it gives credibility to astrology, the maps, astrocurtography in particular, which what I'm going to be talking about. So it is about telling my story

In todayโ€™s #podcast I share the #alignment with location astrology #maps & compatibility of our energies #marketing #astrology #travel #relocation
