Srija Sadhukhan
@Srijasadhukhan · 3:17

The book name is Gora written by Rabindranath Tagore. For bengali, Rabindranath is an emotion and feeling. This is one of the well know book till date

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The three powerful woman character Shutitra, Anandomoi and Lolita who had fight for the power of woman and compassion. At that time there have been a big revolution and they have created history. They have fight for women freedom. They have fight for women justice. That women will also have the same equality as men. And it's a mandatory to read this book by the youth of today to decrease many present issues at this time which is still present today

#philosophy #Rabindranath #srijasadhukhan #swellcast #collegevoiceindia #poetsofswell

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:23
He wrote so many years ago, and yet still we read them, and we are like, yeah, this is applicable even today. I think that's the beauty of maybe the kind of evergreen writing that Kobe Guru and writers of that sort of that caliber have left behind, have left us with that their writings, everything is relevant even today. And probably they will be relevant for years to come