The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00

Plant base

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I mean, the very fact that companies literally have to label stuff on obvious stuff so that people can buy it because there's somebody that's going to see it. Oh, this is vegan, right? Plant base. All peanuts come from plants, right? Matter of fact, everything pretty much comes from plants. So plant base means nothing. You know what I mean? But anyways, ironically. Well, there it is


That is interesting. I've not come across that before. Out of curiosity, though, could they be referring to the additional ingredients that go into peanut butter? So, for example, I know that you can get gluten free peanut butter, and that is specifically telling you that there's not even a hint of gluten in there. Like it's not even contaminated
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 4:57
Hello. Yes, you're correct. Well, thank you for the reply. Yes, you're correct. Yes, they put that on there for vegan purposes, so they can obviously wrap up the sales. Right. To people that want to go vegan. Now, what I find interesting, or what I was trying to point out, is that peanuts is a plant, basically