Souhardya De
@Souhardya · 1:42

#AskSwell - Do book-to-screen adaptations really hit the mark?

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On the flip side, have you also encountered adaptations that left you feeling a tad disappointed? Feel free to share examples and what you think made these adaptations successful or lacking in capturing the magic of the written work. Let's chat about it, and it'd be great if you could also share or highlight a few different aspects that contributed to the respective outcomes, and I'd for sure love to engage further in order to gain a better overview of the causal factors
Souhardya De
@Souhardya · 2:33
Books, I guess, also provide you the opportunity, the luxury, actually, of having control over the pace. So unlike adaptations, you're able to reread passages and you're able to steam through certain sections as desired, often go back and refer to a particular segment before actually moving forward. And this level of control, this extent of control over the storytelling experience isn't something that's found in the adaptations, because over there, your pacing is dictated by the series creator
Ramya V
@Ramya · 4:33
And if you were to ask me, I would love for all these book to movie adaptations to really stay true to the book and not wander too far away from the actual storyline because I personally think that defeats the whole purpose. That said, reading is a very personal experience and it's quite likely that whoever adapts your favorite books for the big screen, they may not completely share the vision that's inside your head. So when reading, your only limit is your imagination, as you said
Malaika Mendes
@Ragafari · 3:58
And I've always heard, since I was a child that a movie cannot be presented as it is written in a book, as it is done in a book, for the abovementioned reason. In the end, all that producers can hope to do is to satisfy the imagination of the majority of readers or their audience
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@FateSlicer815 · 4:57

Sometimes it works

I think it's only happened once in history, maybe twice. If you consider James Bond a series, then yes, it would happen. But besides James Bond, I don't think any movie series has ramped up as well as the Harry Potter franchise period doesn't even come close. You can't even get six Pirates of the Caribbeans right. How can you get it so wrong? I don't know
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:58

More 😁

Fantasy and fictitious shows and whatnot they don't like. Waco. Great show. Oh, and by the way, right off the top of my head, paramount plus knocking it out of the park, always knocking it out of the mark. Their series on the making of The Godfather was better than The Godfather. I don't even know how that's possible, but it's called The Offer. It of course you can't get any better than that. It's good TV