Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00


A maiden impressed with testosterone empowered advances had nothing to rely on except up humors of said rules that were spoken in whispers when engaged in decision making activities. It is not always true that the asker or predator of desires unknown to virgin or womankind stop what they are doing to pull out the glass sliver and try it on the victim or the receptacle. As you would say, why in the world would Cinderella let any prince enter her most mystical domain?

1950s perception of irreplacable Virginity Lost.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:44
Very compelling. For a moment there, when it switched to tea parties, I was like, oh, maybe I'm perceiving it incorrectly. And then it was switched back and I was like, oh, no, I got it. Definitely makes sense. I understand. Thanks for this. Share appreciate it. Very insightful
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00


And it's about my life and some of the things that happened to me. And how stupid they were and how uncomfortable that it was. Whenever I made that big mistake in the backseat of a. I think it was a 52 Chevy. I don't know what it was. It was green. Anyway. It's not green. And I just thought to myself, I'm going to read these out. They did read it because I wrote it quite a while ago
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:11
It's how fascinating. Wow. I would have never. I mean, incredible. Truly. Thank you so much for sharing and definitely being vulnerable. And first off, it's amazing that you're 82 and you're navigating this app as well as you are. That's inspiring, to say the very, very least, sharing your stories. Man. I'm just absolutely impressed in so many ways that you're here and you're sharing these stories
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
He surely did not mean to leave his horse in the rain or forget to cry in the presence of his first child, or even choose to be a witness to one of the most precious and life changing moments in our lives. He wasn't there when our first child was born and chose to be elsewhere, so I was left with my mother and his mother and a wonderful baby girl. He was offered his own choice at the Ilo Lucy moment, not slaying dragons, but buying beans
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
I wasn't alone in the deed. It takes two. But both had to admit wrongdoing, or they lost their chance to swing the flamingo. I couldn't hide my guilt with a lie. The Cheshire cat smiled and his fat cat finger at me. The yellow brick road led me into whatever land. And again, who am was the question. But this time, I was the asker
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 4:14
I was born this way and was raised by a mother that made new rules up as she went, without stepping on any cracks or violating any secrets, and a father that built little rooms in the air for my sister and me without a stairway to reach them. He made things that went through his mind happened on a non existent budget
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
You. This is an extension of glass. Slippers are very uncomfortable. Our daddy came with a trick switch. There were four of us girls and he came with the trick switch. He was very inventive and creative and he was stuck. Even our dog was a girl and he was the only man there. Didn't shut the room door. He was a wizard, a crazy wizard, and he drank and he was gone a lot, working as an iron worker
Dare Darice Strickland
@SOMEWHERE2 · 5:00
Plunk, another trappist detoured by the crafty rodent. And Daddy, in his way of handling most things in his life that didn't suit his illogical logic, he blamed the rat. Then, in an instant raising of both arms and legs in a fit of temper, he screamed out an oath that woke the family, the female household. Abruptly, the rat, startled as we all were, jumped off of the steps into Daddy's face