Phil Soapsmith
@soapsmith · 1:30

Guitar buzzing (Ecstatic Guitar 7.5)

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Hey, I got a guitar given to me by my friend. And this one string makes a sitar sound. So now I'm doing this. None of the other strings sound like that. They sound normal. But this one. I wish I had that cool vocabulary of all those awesome semitone related phrases that this hindustani and carnatic music people. But instead I have a squire mustang made from Indonesia. So it may be close. Not quite

#imbuzzed #ecstaticguitar

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:44

Dang! Hahaha

Dude, when you started, when you first. The first time that you did that, when you just did it over and over, I had a. My very first guitar did that shit. And it drove me crazy. It made me hate that guitar. I still have it. Okay? I had that guitar. It was a pv guitar that I got when I was in high school. All right?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:23


Holy shit. I recorded my comment into it because I got excited about what you did. And then you played and it was lit. I was jamming to your fun thing. And then the thing that you said at the end. Okay, we need to talk. All right. We need to talk. Would you like to collaborate on music with your one string guitar? You're a talented ass guitar player
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Phil Soapsmith
@soapsmith · 2:30
Hey, thanks, rooster. I appreciate that. That's very kind to you, man. You should see what I could do with more than one string. I'm a bass player by trade, but I also. I've been playing guitar since I was a little kid. My dad plays music. My son, he's seven, he plays music. I'm happy to collaborate
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:47


I'd like to do my own original music, of course, instead of using generic shit. So right now, I'm just focusing on that. So what you need to know is I am a mediocre guitar player. I would be probably a decent drummer if I actually owned a drum set. I have a bunch of electronic drums, but whatever. And then, yeah, I like to sing and write music, and I don't like tough
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:51


I found, like, I've hit the goal of mine. You can play any instrument and, yeah, if you're good with audio, man. I have a lot, like, eventually. Eventually. But are you into. Have you ever done production, sound mixing? That's the thing you might need to bust into