in today s time motivation is ओवरेटेड एंड क्लैरिटी इज अndrrेtेd बिकाज मos्t of the टाइम वी कीप सर्चिंग फॉर motivation we thing that i m नौट मoटिवatेdइन फ टू डू माई जॉब टू कंपलीट माई वर्क टू devlop मई स्किल to improve my self, but you now इन रियलिटी यू डोंट लैक motivation यू लैक क्लैरिटी and that इस वाई यू आर नौट टेकिंग इफेक्टिव एक्शंस सो दैट यू कैन गो एंड बिकम बेटर सो स्टॉप लुकिंग फॉर मोटिवेशन in every movement यू dont need motivation all the time, but we all need clarity in or लाइफ सो दैट वी कैन टेक apropriate action in all the moments of our life सो i will suggest to that inसtीट्यूड ऑफ सर्चिंग बेटर मोटिवेशनल वीडियोज और रीडिंग बेटर मोटीवaशoनl books रीड books और वाच videos to develop clarity in your life स्पेंड sometime with yourself dalyinsolutud एंड आस्क दीप एंड meaning full questions टो यorselfसो दैट यू कैन gan clarity इन यouरलाइफ ंड विन वी आर क्लियर अबाउट आवर परपस आवर गोल्स आवर डेली रूटीन और करेंट रिक्वायर्नमेंट और करंट शॉट म गोल लोनगटरमगोल दैन इट बिकम्स वेरी eजिर तो टेक efेc्tive action बकाuज नाव यू डोंट हैव टू थिंक टू मच about what i must do what must not do so make sure that institut of looking for motivation you find clarity in your life दीप सेंस ऑफ perps and meaning and this will solve at least ninety percent of your problem and clarity gives a meaning full life because without clarity we can not live a meaning full life क्लैरिटी इज द बेसिस ऑफ मीनिंगफुल एंड पॉजिटिव इम्पैक्ट क्रिएटिंग लाइफ सो स्टॉप लुकिंग फॉर ऑल द मोटिवेशनल वीडियोज इन विच the स्पीकर इस साउटिंग एंड सिंग पॉवरफुल वॉर्ड्स एंड यू आर पम्प यू आर इंस्पायर्ड यू आर मोटिवेटेड आफ्टर वाचिंग दे वीडियो बट यू डोंट नो वेयर शुड यू यूज you re energy सो मoटीवation lon डज नॉट मेक any sense फंड a डीप एंड मीनिंग फुल perps इन योर लाइफ एंड देन find clarity तो फुल file that perps thank you so much for listening this swilkas्t please sair your ones view on दिस and your real लाइफ एकपीरियंस थैंक यू सो मच।

#life #clarity #growth

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:40
thank you, so much for sharing this with us। and this is really so very important। you know। because clarity is definitely like you mention underated। because no body talks about that and without clarity nothing in happen in life, so yes i think that is what one needs to work on having the clarity of what you want with your life। and that is the most important thing that one needs to do। because that is probe first stepping stone to words anything in life, thank you, so much for sharing this with us, have a good day by।
Sarika Mishra
@learnwithSarika · 0:25
he der im सारिका थैंक यू so much sering state about clarity यस कोर्स clarity टू कम विन योर माइंड इज clear cletaranड distractions everyone need to eloवinटोsीथिंगस आज दे आर wiदoउtanड interputasions thank you by by।
Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 0:53


thank you so much for you reply man and i would like to invite you in a conversation, were i would like to, ask you that please tell us about how have you found clarity in your life and how have you achieved that clarity like? what kind of actions, have you taking step by step? and what are the challenges which you have over comt so please telus। because you have lived a वेरी menिंगfुl लाइफ यू आर creating, many many velable swilcas्ther सो प्लीज i वुulड लाइक तो नो योर एकपीरियंस your वiजdम।
Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 0:32


thank you so much tarika for to reply and yes, when we are free from all the distractions and we see things, as they re and we observe everything around us। objectively, we can take beter decisions, we can find clarity in our life। सो थैंक यू सो मच क्रिएटिंग मोर वेलेबल सेल्स एंड कीप इंस्पायरिंग अदर।
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 2:35


when you go through a lot of tuff challenges in choices that you end up finding some meaning in life and then once you understand that you the master of your own life, when you can not give that control to anyone else i think that is the point in life, when we get for the clarity and when we are able to prirathis that what is important to us for example you know for me i feel that the prrityisthat i should be able to find meaning in happiness in my life, so i have to do whatever that would require the many things that really help me are that one number one to be organised in dicipline in a everei⁇mdoing and secondly we able to privatize what i want in life and in doing that to avoid all distractions that comes around me so i think these these really help me out to be clear and to be very focus on what i want to do otherwise you know everybody has the same twenty four hours it is how be utilise them matters and we have to find ways to do that and it s not difficult only thing is that it is the day that we understand that what is important for us in life is the day and the entire you know the story of life becomes very clear so i hope this helps and botofustcan have a discussion retail discussion as a separate podcast one of these days at king i would love to have that because you are so wise and you re so clear in your tort process that it is amazing and take care have a good weekanbeby।
Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 0:59


because i would love to learn from a person, who has gone through a struggle achieved something meaningful and still doing his work with passion, dedication and dicipline सो थैंक यू थैंक यू सो मच।
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:17


thank you so much for a kind words, i m so glad that you know you took the time to revert on this will definitely have discussion and lets। see how d gos thank you so much take। care baby।
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 2:17
i totally agrevithyou that people dont have very much clarity about the r a m about your destination about your about dream about whatever they want to achieve and they take motivation from videos and the read books and all other things they do but he dont have fix and they dont have a clearity of that so motivation on work until you have a clearity of mind you must know the specific johnarandawer you have to give a contribution were you have to go in life what in of corer, what kind of profession you want to use only then motivation will work for you and regarding that you can have noleg you can get नॉलेज एंड यू कैन enjoy your life and you can take the real benefit of motivation, but only motivation it will not work any way so first of all have clarity of your a m of your target of your dream and what kind of convetion you want to do in the world and what do you like and in which field you want to go and what kind of contrivation you want to give in society and country so you must have a kind of clearity first of all only then any kind motion will work only motivation is not vardi it is wertles and today you will get some kind of energy by it but later on it will go nd it is not permanent it is not long lasting so first of clearity of mind, first of all, clearity of mind you know that is most important so you must have clarity of mind, you are absolutely right i dont agrevith you that most of the people dont have clearity of mind so first of all, you just try to have clearity of mind।
Sarika Mishra
@learnwithSarika · 0:58
hi hello eveरyवoन थैंक यू सो मच सेरिंग नॉलेज अबाउट कलeaरिटy अकॉर्डिंग टू माई परस्पेक्टिव गेटिंग क्लियरिटी इन लाइफ इज प्रोसेस दैट इंवॉल्व सेल्फ रिफ्लेक्शन प्लानिंग एंड टेकिंग एक्शंस मींस टेक time to अंडरस्टैंड what to ले तो यू एंड दे नीड टू आइडेंटिफाई योर प्रायरिटी एंड देन सेट क्लियर गोल एंड देर न वर्कन विदाउट इन डिस्ट्रेक्शन कलेरटेजजस्टजर्नी नॉट डेस्टिनेशन सो इट इज नार्मल फॉर योर प्रायरिटी एंड गोल तो इवॉल्व ओवर टाइम सो continue to रिविजिट एंड रिफाइन योर कलैरिटी ऐज यू ग्रो एंड दिल लैन मच अबाउट योर सेल्फ दैट्स it।