Benny Deleon
@Sketchy · 5:00

Love actually comes from broken people. They come from a heartbreak. I can tell you where you’re not going to find it.

They drink too, and they become too drunks together and if that's love if that's love actually, no, wait. If that's love interesting twist just now. I don't think I know it all. I told you I'm not the expert. But just thinking about that. If that's love, yeah, shit, let's get drunk, baby, let's get high baby, let's do it all then if that is what causes good love, I'm down

#Love #Communication #Forever

Benny Deleon
@Sketchy · 5:00

Podcast too.

This one is about love, and it does have the same vein about love, but I need to explain this one a little more fully and I don't think I have enough time. Looks like I have four minutes and 35 36 7 seconds. And the maximum is five minutes. So I'm going to leave you with just one thought. If you find love, you know how to find it. Do it. Help us. Help the rest of us who are struggling. We're alone