Siddhesh Sharma
@Sidsharma514 · 0:35

Take care you lot 💙

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to my swell. So I've been under the weather for quite a while now, so I haven't been uploaded. Swells. But all I want you guys to do is take steam to drink hot water. Hot water helps you. Helps you be good and stay away from diseases. And try not taking too many medical she's just when things begin and actually resolve it and just take care of her. Excellent
mr. Ankit Purohit
@ankit143 · 1:04

By take care

The water is real or something else, something scam, I don't know. But you take care of yourself. You feeling something else. I guess that time when you posted this well. So take care, buddy. Is there any problem in your life? Let me see. I can help you. Bye. Bye. Take care, buddy
Siddhesh Sharma
@Sidsharma514 · 1:11


Amen. I'm not sure if black water or such things are fake or not, but you definitely feel the difference if you've ever drank one before. Like normal rotor and a very expensive bottle of water, say it costs you around $400 for some mineral water. It doesn't just make a difference. And hot water instead of cold, because if you're already suffering from sore throat or cold, then cold water is not advisable and it's not like fever hot air
Vijay Kumar
@Vijaypathak · 4:04