Shruti Gupta
@Shrutigupta · 2:54

Happiness comes with inner peace,not materialistic things!

Rather than consume, many of us myself guilty love to purchase, purchase and purchase, whether that is clothes, gadgets, et cetera. We live in a materialistic world and try to associate our brief thrill of happiness with buying items that we do not necessarily need. This sense of being controlled by what we buy leads to anxiety, stress and honestly a loss of hard earned money. Happiness rather comes from a sense of stability and financial security is a part of this

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Shweta Chaudhri
@Shwetachaudhri · 0:37


Hello. So totally agree with your statement that happiness comes within a piece, not materialistic things. And if money or materialistic things would buy happiness, the richest people would be the happiest, but that they're not. So I think you need to be with peace, with yourself and the people around you and happy with the person you are becoming and the progress you're making in life. So all these factors account to your happiness, and I think that's what we should keep in mind