Chhaya Saini
@shimmythatsoul · 0:47

#TellYourStory | The best advice I ever received was...

I think the best advice that I've gotten is from this friend. She told me that, Chaya, just do the work that you are good at and delegate the work to others and let them do what they are good at. And that really helped me a lot because I had this trait that I'm going to do everything. Oh, TK. End to end. I want to complete everything, whether it was editing, whether it was writing thing, content designing, everything

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp6 @rocio

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:57
But then I would end up taking a lot on my plate, and that would overwhelm me. And I realized that it's really not something which I should actually be forcing on myself constantly or taking up on myself. Because at the end of the day, I think if we find it in us to delegate the right task to the right people, the task does get completed much more efficiently. And the results are also a lot better than a single person constantly going at it for hours
Chhaya Saini
@shimmythatsoul · 2:46
So with me also, it was like that, that if I did everything, I will actually become very valuable. But the real value you is actually getting the work done no matter you did it or you didn't do it. So of course it's life. We learned hard way. But the good part is we did learn. And thank you so much for replying to this. Means a lot. Thank you, bye