mannya nayar
@shesalliwannabe · 0:53

fighting the fright by mannya nayar

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It didn't let me rod when the dream was sought, it felt like a shot but to foreign eyes it seemed not painful drops felt like a boiling broth. Seeing an uncertain future, I slowly trot Johnning. The unknown lot at once wanted to abort it all but the moth approached the burning flame just like the Titanic that set out to sail. But gradually what should all fail at the hands of a male who would longer see the holy crail? Thank you

#poetry #sadness #mental health

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:16
Thank you so much for sharing this. There's a lot to understand and lot to learn, lot to realize and a lot to move forward. So thank you so much for putting your time and effort and letting us know about these things. Thank you