dosto? sprituality? स्प्रिचुएलिटी? के बारे में लोग? बहुत सी? bat? bhot? gehri? people? think that its a very deep concept? it may be a de concept? but acoding to me sprituality? आध्यातम prerna? छोटी सी कहानी से आपको? इसका उदाहरण समझाता हूँ? 1 इंसान घर से डेली निकालता है? बिना हाथ जोड़े बिना मंदिर जाए? और 1 इंसान डेली मंदिर में हाथ जोड़ के घर से निकलता है। दोनों इंसान के साथ सेम चीज होती है। जो व्यक्ति हाथ जोड़ के नहीं निकाला वो भी कहीं ठोकर खा?

God is an inspiration that inspires your subconscious and trigger your gratitude #sprituality

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:39


he share i really like to take on sprituality on the intra concept i think you presented us with very simple yet, impactful view of the entry thing you know because you have place to gratitude at the center of it and i think fit and gratitude in things like that i think no meto what summons perspective is regarding sprituality how the view it what they think it comprises of end there was of approaching it i think every person i have heart tilde talking about स्पेरटुlिty हैज mentioned fit has mentioned gratitude because a lot of the times i think when going through life, हम लोग भूल जाते हैं उन चीजों के बारे में थैंकफुल होना what we already have because a lot of the times we find hyper, focused or almost obsessing over the things that we wont, but dont have it and yeah ofcourse that part of the human nature gas because maybe thats what keeps driving for other things in life that s what what keeps is going sort of driving force maybe this we want but yeah, i believe the same time i believe that it s important to look back and take it all in and just be grateful for whatever we have been presented wed for whatever we have in our life if and you you can i mean it s not nessessirele that you have to be a very special person in out to do that i think gratitud is something that anyone and everyone can excise and of course, it s not always easy to you know feel that sort of greatful is thankful nis to what s the universe especially i mean when may be people are going to something and may be life isnt very easy for the other the point may be there having to deal with a lot of stuff, but i think we never वह फुरसत मिले जब भी वो what time my apke life में things are going at least at least its not a down face at least things are going at normal face try in look back and i think just looking back make su realise that not even looking back just taking it all in what eve was around you make serialise it yeah, you have been blessed with a lot really of course, their things that re yet to happen their things that you want, but you have got them yet but it s important to be thankful and i was just a few moments ago hearing to a sweet by dr anup divan on the same topic on spertrelityand i would really like to your his take on whatever you said as well, so i m inviting him to your s well and i would really like to your his side as well because as i said he was stalking along the same lines सो yah।
Dr Anoop Diwan
@DrAnoopDiwan · 3:14


hi ashmi i heard some few minutes of charas well, i think is right the thing is viitualitiis not a very vast topic or something like i discussing myaswelle that it in wall some rituals or may be release giving something or guru know spitualtisjust looking in words trying to discover the word inside and that word will always be discovered in silence somebody ask me is first for definitions of meditation somebody s sa focus on center of your for hard somebody see center on focus of that no the best defination is meditation is the art out doing nothing when you are doing nothing you are meditating like some were like some can to slipping you just forget all your waris so the thing is first thing being spiritual simply means being a war of three things everything is temporary nothing is permanent when we now things are in permanent then we develop some degree of detachment to at star that i snake from us than we feel less in seconds means s being aware that the is a word in side as well, you cannot enjoy this outer world if you are in ear, word is not come and that combines will come then you will going to silence think nothing nothing and lastly yes spetuality simply means that what we are we are just a spirit soul so are man connection is to rd midi god who we are all part of and yes agri totally gratitud gratitude is a very keword we must have gratitude everything the biggest blessing we all have every day is that we are a life there are so many people pele ding every day and you are waking up a life many people dying their sleep so first thing to be gratitue is to be a life second we have to have gratitude for the rains there will water come from we have to gratitude for this ocsegion in the atmosfire how you breed we have gratitude for the sun shine how will fotosinsis sagar how will be it or food so only thing is that i start counting or blasingthenlave much less reasons to complain and on he stopped complaining than of course, we are in a state of is everybody wants so its very simple but yes man make it complicated by the r torts by the actions and as simple we keep will be beautiful yes, my father always used to tell me that you can not control your needs your wants you can cnlyornedsandwants you can not control your arning so suppose you control your wants what a will be an of that s it injoy because all good thing is in life are free thank you।
Shaurya Pratap
@Shauryaunfltred · 4:14

#sprituality #myjourney #

एक्सर्ट 1 बौद्धिक स्तर है? और वो बौद्धिक स्तर? मेरे हिसाब से ये है कि जब हम अवचेतन मन की मौजूदगी पर पहली बात तो विश्वास करने लगे? और दूसरी बात हमें समझ में आ जाए कि यह सब कांशेस कैसे वर्क करता है? तब? मुझे? मेरा तो जो आध्यात्म है, मुझे तब उसका अर्थ समझ में आया? क्यूंकि? जब मैंने चीजें देखी? मैंने विचार की, सोच की शक्ति देखी? और मैंने यह समझा कि जो भी हमारे थॉट्स हैं, जो भी हमारे बोल हैं, वो ब्रह्माण में जाके जुड़ रहे हैं? और 1 किस्म की एनर्जी? क्रिएट कर रहे हैं? इस फॉर्म ऑफ? वाइब्रेशन? वट? वी? आर? थिंकिंग?
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