Sharde Muhammad
@ShardeM_468 · 0:49

Less of You

So you're laying the foundation for those to know that it can be done. You can be you and be successful. You don't need to be anyone else, because when you try to become someone else, you're just making you less of yourself. And that's not fair
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:49
Thank you for this really beautiful message. And, you know, any time I am trying to be something that I'm not, I do it does feel like you're losing parts of myself. But anytime I'm in spaces where I feel comfortable and I'm truly myself feel so freeing. And I guess it's learning how to do that in spaces where it can be hard to be
J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:41
Wow. Wow. I love this. I love this. I don't know why. Like, I I feel like I don't hear this message enough, which is that, yeah, you don't have to be someone. One or this idea of someone. And all you have to do is kind of like dig down and see what makes who you are