Shaniya Sheikh
@Shaniya78 · 0:45

Importance of music in educational life 💯🤘

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Hey everyone, today I will share with you all the importance of music. Music can be very engaging in the classroom as it is a great tool for memorization. I am sure if more teachers use used song to teach the multiplication tables, kids would retain that information much quicker. Music teaches a self discipline and time management skills that you cannot get anywhere else. When you study an instrument on a regular basis, you work on concrete ideas and take small steps to achieve larger goals

#musicworld #educationwithenjoyment #selfdescipline

Satyam Tiwari
@satyamtiwari · 0:30
Hey Sonya I don't know like importance of music in in educational life be good or not but music for me like within 24/7 music is love for me was really good if people will start putting music in education thing great work here