When we make sense of things & communicate, differently…

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To see this glass ball. It is sort of representative of how I make sense of the world. So imagine, if you will, that this glass ball is actually a 3D puzzle. It's got pieces that I can deconstruct and I'll look at all those different pieces. Oh, cool, this is what this does. Oh, that's what that does. And oh, they fit together this way

When meaning & intention are injected into a translation, where there were none. #ActuallyAutistic #autism #identity

I typically made the best hiring choices because the questions that I asked got to the deeper essence of who was the person. For example, I worked at a fine dining restaurant and some of the people that I would even see for an interview, let alone hire, shocked the owners because there's just not people they would have ever given the time of day to. But they ended up being really great employees because I would ask them questions like, why do you want to work in this industry?


And yet all of the responses were about how it was almost like caretaking. It was almost like this is the internal work that you need to do in order to move forward, to grow, to become whatever the answer was, to become whatever the ideas were. And at that point, then there's no way to sort of explain it in a different way if that's the lens they're perceiving it through