SwellTip: Be aware of your soundscape.

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If you are in, say, a cafe or in your vehicle recording, if you move the phone closer to your mouth and you speak just a little bit louder, that can cause your voice to stand out and then the soundscape to sort of fade a little bit into the background. And then we hear you first and foremost, not your environment


Brian Foreman
I'd say four of those, and then three, of course, are solid walls. And then half of one then, because they are four foot, half of one then would cover the top. And this is something, too. We're like, oh, I don't want something permanent. You don't have to make it permanent. A little bit of glue and glue it together as long as you're not putting any pressure or bumping into it


But I know a guy from Clumpahouse that is really into audio and audio equipment and I know that there's a specific device. I want to say that I have a photo somewhere of it because I was really impressed with the quality of audio for the person who was speaking that you could plug this particular mic you're talking about into and then you can plug it into your phone like it's an intermediary device of sorts. That the quality of audio was insanely good
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

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J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 3:59
So making sure I'm as still as possible or maybe on a portion of the road if I'm driving that is a little bit more level and not a lot of potholes or gradient in it because maybe they're doing road work and it's not smoothed out yet. And this is beyond you. This is for every swell. Cast this part. But I do do my swells on speaker, I guess


I am so, so appreciative of your awareness around your soundscape. It makes such a huge difference. And yeah, not surprising that I did this one. I ran into, like, three different people yesterday whose smoke detector needed new batteries. And the first one, I was like, oh, that hurt. And I was just, like, kept listening. Then the second time, oof. And I was like, okay, no, I'm going to stop


I'm intrigued by this device. When I came across somebody a couple of years ago on Clubhouse, and his audio was amazing. And he would say he was in London walking down the street, or he had just walked to a coffee shop or something, and we didn't hear anything. His mic was open the entire time, so we should have heard him on public transportation, him walking down the street and vehicles him in the store