#AskSwell β€’ Do binaries actually exist?

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Where is that line drawn between this binary and that female and male and so because of all that nuance and complexity, we can't draw a precise line. And even if we do draw a line, it becomes arbitrary, like the lines we draw on the spectrum of colors. This frequency is blue. This frequency is purple. There are arbitrary lines that we've put there

πŸ€” I think binaries are human created, reductive abstractions, but maybe I'm wrong. Can you think of a binary that actually exists? #philosophy

Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepperΒ Β·Β 3:19
Bring go bring it all the way back to the never ending story. Didn't like, don't we like, if if we don't name it, if we don't address it or teach people it, how is someone else going to understand what you're talking about? My mind is really blown here, and I'm going to be thinking about this for a while. Am I on the right track? I feel like I'm really stupid listening to this
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 3:19
But yeah, obviously some people feel things are extremely binary and they will politicize that. In fact, that's what's wrong with the world today is that we don't go back to binary. We don't go back to a church and state or et cetera. Yeah, I am much of the thought process that nothing really was binary reality and how it exists, we are still catching up to. In fact, due to the limitations in our anatomy, we can never really be in reality

@JordanTepper πŸ’―πŸ™Œ

But there's in another swell. I use this sort of idea I've been thinking about only in the last few days of this continuum of how we understand the world. And there's from the rigid abstractions of math to the little bit more nuanced and complex, but still abstractions of science, and then all the way into the deep end of philosophy and language and everything else, metaphysics, what have you, that really fills in all of the color, right, to create more understanding


I can't think of one. I'm hoping your son's game has beast mode. Maybe he'll dive back in again and and beat it next time. Maybe it'll take them two weeks this time
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 4:59


Some people will say, well, we learned it in kindergarten, so they're admitting that it's a kindergarten based learning example of a concept, which I don't know, last you checked. But the kindergarten is not the best place to know an advanced level of something, right? But if you only apply it with a commonality, that doesn't require much thought, after that, it becomes binary thought. It becomes as obvious to one as breathing for life, the sky being blue
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 2:13


So in my opinion, it's a social construct. It is all based on what society has formed for us. Basically, there's no middle ground. There is, you know, it's lacking middle ground. So, one, it's it's socially created, which has its own of issues, right? And it does create this black and white with no room for anything in the middle. And the thing is, everything can have a middle
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:18


So after I posted, I went to old trusty Google just to see if there were examples of and I came across this. So I thought it'd be a good thing just to add to the conversation there. Anyway, thanks again for the topic
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Structures that humans have created to such an extent that they place themselves on some sort of moral high ground, superior to anybody else who recognizes that beyond language, beyond the structures, there are these complexities I don't understand
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 1:16


We call those conformists. They conform to general consensus. If someone tells them that things are a certain way and this is the only way and that's just how it needs to be, then they hop on that bandwagon and don't ask questions


I think the world needs not only conformists, but also the outliers, the people who challenge and think things differently. I just wish that the conformists could at least recognize the richness of everyone, whether conformists or outlier or whatever other word one wants to use. Make the world like we need people who think more rigidly and people who think more creatively and agile. Agility hi. Kill me anyway, you know what I mean? The richness of life
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:43


You're right, though. I think it is. Well, we need both, but we need a more accepting nature of where each is at. Do you get what I'm saying? Like the in the box and out of the box, we just need to say, okay, that's where that person is at. That's where they need to be in their journey


I 100% agree with everything you said. Bloopers included
Mike W
@Scribe7Β Β·Β 4:59
But I'm listening to it and I'm trying to understand because with the people and the sexual binary, I've been trying to look into it, so I'm hearing opposites and like Fried Oreo said, a villain and a hero, you know what I mean? And it kind of keeps things in structure. But when it comes to here and there, if you take one away, the other one doesn't exist

@Scribe7 πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

We learn about the mountain, and then we see it, and then from a distance, and then we experience it. And it's so true. It's like these levels of understanding. And I think you're right that this also applies to some of these ideas as well of the language. Intellectually, we know what these words mean, the categories and so on. And then you delve into it a little deeper, and you can see how it plays out in society
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