Leaving YOUR mark; how long or significant is "enough"?

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And even if you talk about your child being your legacy, there's only so much time before they're gone. And then you can have somebody who creates a pyramid or some sort of mausoleum or something that leaves behind, or even some artists that we talk about from the past or architecture from the past that can leave its mark. And we still talk about people's names today, even philosophers names, right? They've left their mark

How long do you want your legacy to "stand"? How significant do you want it to be? β€’ Morbid curiosity Swell: https://s.swell.life/SToB74QgCokwTrE

J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:14
So when I think back to all of the steps that led, here I am, my desire for my family, especially with me being a minority, is for us to be able to have generational wealth


And it's about impacting their lives and it's about how they appreciate it and how they use wisdom when they're using it. This is going to sound like a weird comparison, but it makes me think of, like, whoever created the hammer probably created it for other reasons, not for the purposes of a legacy, but we don't remember who necessarily created it. Right. But we do use it. We do appreciate the tool and will we hopefully use with someone we're using it


Oh, please do. Feel free to post the question to your group and you don't have to cite me. I don't know. I think it's a question that pops up from time to time for others that I guess it's such a foreign concept to me and I'm trying to wrap my head around it. And I know I've asked this question similarly in another time, but it's just to me, some of these things. Yeah. Anyway, feel free